The band will celebrate its 30th anniversary this year, and after so much time playing together, we wonder: what is it that keeps you going today? How do you keep this passion and energy during your shows?

That's a good question... What makes us want to continue is that for 30 years we have not stopped evolving. I think that the day when we no longer want to do things together and set up projects, we will simply stop. But here we are, the desire is still there, we always want to discover new things, to make people discover new things and we still have a lot to do so we are still here.

What is the idea behind this union?

Originally there were five friends from the Lyon Conservatory who met to make music together, but not only (*laughter*). Five friends who wanted to do something, a little initiated and motivated by their teacher at the time Guy Touvron who suggested they get started. At first it was in classical music, then in entertainment shows.

What led you to the show? Who made this transition possible?

Several things. The first is that we were an original group and we quickly realized that there was no music written for five trumpets. We were quickly understood that it was good but not enough for a career.

Secondly, we started small productions that were very independent of our will. We were five boys very different physically from each other, so when one who was 1.62 m tall forgot his jacket and another one had the idea to give him the jacket of somenone else from the group twho was 1.87m tall (I'm going to get yelled at), we were terrified! But finally people laughed.

The desire then came to make jokes about each other and we went to a first director and that's how it started.

BG's "trumpet" range has recently been released and you have been able to test the swabs and cords. Could you tell us what your expectations were about these types of products and whether they were properly addressed?

It's a rather nice collaboration since Franck has decided to diversify his products towards brass and especially the trumpet. It must be said that trumpeters (and even "copperheads" in general) are certainly not as careful as our friends in the woods. We don't have the reflex to maintain, to clean our instrument when we're done playing. We found it very interesting to start educating the youngest: it is an instrument and an instrument that must be maintained.

This range has started to develop and it is very useful, it comes at the right time and I think it just needs to grow.

What do you think they have that is more important than similar products from other brands?

Quality. We feel here that the whole team, when it comes to working on any product, is really involved from A to Z. She is constantly seeking advice, asking questions and it is very pleasant. So we tell ourselves that we have to be up to the task! That they are waiting for answers and that we want to be able to guide them. So yes, quality and a job well done.

Since the trend today is towards products resulting from industrialization, do you think that craftsmanship still finds its place there? Does it still have a future?

Yes. I hope there will always be room for crafts, for people's know-how. In France, we are a country with exceptional know-how in many fields and I hope that in instruments, in the manufacture of accessories and others, like BG, not only will it last, but that it will develop, make you want to go towards quality things. Today it's easy to buy everything and anything, but raising awareness and explaining to people why they should buy this rather than something else is important.

Do you care about it yourself?

A lot! A lot! For example, when you come here, you have people in front of you, you're not on Internet platforms or in a store where you're just going to pick up something on the shelf. We have advice, we know how it is made and it is priceless. Tomorrow when I go to a music store, if I find BG products I will know that they are quality products. I will not even hesitate for a second between this product and another one that will come from who knows where or made by who knows who.