Donghyun Park, a Korean saxophonist born in 1993, began playing the saxophone at the age of 17. In 2015, he joined the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Versailles, where he obtained his diploma in musical studies, his bachelor's degree, and his master's degree in musicology and performance. He studied there with Vincent David, and later with Nicolas Arsenijevic.



During his studies, he participated in numerous masterclasses with renowned saxophonists such as Jérôme Laran, Nobuya Sugawa, Javier Linares, Miguel Angel Lorente, Thomas Barthelemy, Eva van Grinsven, and Arno Bornkamp.

« My first ligature was BG's L11, the ligature I still use. I have tried many other brands, but ultimately, I always came back to BG »

Passionate about both Baroque and contemporary music, he studied harpsichord with Blandine Rannou and Marie Vallin, and also took part in the creation of a piece for soprano saxophone and violin composed by Graciane Finzi.

« Every time I open my case and see it, I am fascinated by its shape and design. The BG ligature makes me want to play! »

He teaches at the Iannis Xenakis Regional Conservatory in Évry and the Municipal Conservatory of Château-Thierry. He performs as a soloist and chamber musician in Europe (France, Spain, Luxembourg) and Korea.



Recently, with his Duo Antinomie, a saxophone and clarinet duo, he won first prize at the Manuel Rosenthal Competition, earning a recording at the Seine Musicale and the opportunity to perform in numerous music festivals.

« With BG, I have a natural sound, rich in colors, and I am free to express myself with comfort »